man it's been a bit, sorry about that...though i just keep running into all these darned celebrities and they are very distracting...
Sienna miller and Jude law exiting separately from apparently Jude's apartment in Washington square park. It was big news on all the blogs this past week. In case you wanted to know he lives in an old church that has since been converted into luxury housing right next to the park and across the street from a really good vegetarian restaurant. And yes i really did yell "Hey Jude".
Anthony Michael Hall--- down the street from my apartment (not hanging at the breakfast club) don't you just love an 80's washed up John Hughes film actor when you see one? , he was on the phone while i was taking my laundry to the laundry mat. not looking so hot, but i never really thought he was...sorry if you are a AMH fan ;)
Andy Samberg, if you want a "dick in a box" he's your man....that is a Saturday Night Live reference if you don't know who he is. but I'm a big fan of his comedy and if i wasn't exiting the west 4th street subway while he was about to scan his metro card i might have said something to him about it....or i may have chickened out. but I'm glad he's not to big a star to take public transport :)
until tomorrow or the next sighting!
I never have to find the stories they just come, sit and stay for me. (the next Petz Hilton)
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
I Pug New York
From New York with PUGS and Kisses ;*
I have a few pug friends that need their moment in my spotlight ;) they are all girls, they all have their own fan clubs and they all have a great sense of humor so enjoy the world of a new york pug they are the girls that run this town...
First I'll tell you about squishy she is a wild child straight from the hills of town outside of the big city. There isn't a a stick in the city she won't pick up or a dog she won't hound until they play with her. She is a big attitude in a little pup. She may only be 1 year old but she has the experience of a much older pug. No one can resist her squished face charms but when it comes to a 6 flight round of stairs, she'll find a way to get carried to the top :)

Next is Penelope she is famous in her hood and in the realm of facebook, she has her own fan page! But if you walk this sniffy girl I guarantee you'll fall in love with her and get stopped fifty times by someone remarking on her lovely black leggings . She loves a nice walk down to the river to enjoy the sunset. She's also a really close friend of Hugh Jackman (yes he touched her!) but her best friend is Fiona her loyal cat roommate. Her closest friends refer to her as "Peeps" and she hasn't met a food bowl she doesn't like.
Rounding out our group of Pugaliscious Girls
is Sophie "the black pug" She knows how to dominate a room of young pups (that's her job in puppy classes) She also knows how to stand by and wait for her turn to be greeted by her people friends, couldn't care less for anything else on 4 legs. She works for a trainer but would prefer to just sit and watch rather than work. She may put on the sad face but believe me this one is not said just using her womanly ways to get her treats and laps to attend to.

Next is Penelope she is famous in her hood and in the realm of facebook, she has her own fan page! But if you walk this sniffy girl I guarantee you'll fall in love with her and get stopped fifty times by someone remarking on her lovely black leggings . She loves a nice walk down to the river to enjoy the sunset. She's also a really close friend of Hugh Jackman (yes he touched her!) but her best friend is Fiona her loyal cat roommate. Her closest friends refer to her as "Peeps" and she hasn't met a food bowl she doesn't like.
Rounding out our group of Pugaliscious Girls
is Sophie "the black pug" She knows how to dominate a room of young pups (that's her job in puppy classes) She also knows how to stand by and wait for her turn to be greeted by her people friends, couldn't care less for anything else on 4 legs. She works for a trainer but would prefer to just sit and watch rather than work. She may put on the sad face but believe me this one is not said just using her womanly ways to get her treats and laps to attend to.

Saturday, August 29, 2009
Missing Maggie

I just wanted to say a little something about a friend I've had for the past almost 5 years. Her name will always be Maggie. She lived next door and never let a day go by that she didn't tell me in some way or another that she loved me, or was just plain excited to see me ;). She also loved Chandler but was always a lady about not letting him get too much attention from her, she always left him wanting more. I will never forget all those times she was just outside my front door waiting for me to open it or looking for her chance to break in (I'm dearly going to miss that most of all). Never to hear that vibrant "wooowoowooooo", when she hadn't seen me in a while. Sometimes the best gifts in this world are the small and often the ones that you take for granted will always be there. Though she will always be in my heart and her strength, happiness and warmth will continue to be apart of my life. She may not be right next door anymore but she's still here breaking in and playing hard to get with Chandler. We love you magpie! Remember it's not "goodbye" just "see ya later"
Friday, August 21, 2009
TGIFrankly I'm Exhausted

I feel like this Friday was one of the longest in my life! Not Really :) but you get the drift. I started out at 11am and just arrived home at 8:50pm lucky me. My life is just so glamorous, and yet dripping in hurricane Bill. I had a great time with all of my little doggie friends, oh and Fiona my only cat friend of the day of course ;).
The Debbie Downer for me was that they are raising my rent for my cubby hole a lovely 60.00 a month :( Why New York WHY??? I love my neighborhood, managed to get everything in my apartment upgraded and fixed minus paint. And I don't want to leave Manhattan but on my budget would have to to find a safe and comfy place. I used to have a diamond in the rough finding this place but now its just as expensive as anywhere else I could to live sans roommate.
Does anyone need a live in Dog-Caretaker? They have live in nannies and dogs will treat you ten times better than any misunderstood teen-angst-anger would! Am I right or am I right? Well just putting the word out, or maybe someone knows of the next diamond in the rough out there in lovely Manhattan for me to find? Though when I think of someone else living in my apartment I cringe, it's mine not theirs :(:(
Well any who I'm starting to sound like my own teen-angst-anger. George & Doris I'm so sorry our brief love-affair this weekend was cut short, until I house-sit you again my schnauzers. Happy Hurricane Bill weekend to all and I'm serious about the live in Dog-Caretaker, though Chandler has to be able to come with me, and the bonus is he already thinks he IS a dog!
--the dog walker
Thursday, August 20, 2009
NY"SEE" installment #3
Julie & Julia....oh & Jesi
The Art of Dog Blogging...
I have been inspired again, I know that I've been a super lazy blogger lately but now I have my spirit for it back. I just saw "Julie & Julia" and quite frankly felt inspired and laughed my arse off. I see so many things in my life that I want to share with everybody, but I never seem to get around to it. Even Chandler feels that is this is too much work for me as he keeps jumping up and attacking my typing while I'm trying to type this all out. He really needs a friend cause my poor skin is just not strong enough for his teeth ;). Anywho off subject, I'm back baby! I've also started to teach myself how to cook (this has nothing to do with seeing the movie) and I've made some really yummy things, not from a cook book! This past Sunday was Turkey Meatballs with homemade tomato/eggplant/squash sauce on pasta. I'm calling it JustMash (the "a" in mash sounds like "aww"), in my family we have something called MishMash and this is my healthier spin on the whole thing. If you need the recipe just ask.
I'm sure there are many out there now trying to blog themselves into a successful career but I just need to be focused, and hopefully this is the start on the right path to find it.
--the dog walker
I have been inspired again, I know that I've been a super lazy blogger lately but now I have my spirit for it back. I just saw "Julie & Julia" and quite frankly felt inspired and laughed my arse off. I see so many things in my life that I want to share with everybody, but I never seem to get around to it. Even Chandler feels that is this is too much work for me as he keeps jumping up and attacking my typing while I'm trying to type this all out. He really needs a friend cause my poor skin is just not strong enough for his teeth ;). Anywho off subject, I'm back baby! I've also started to teach myself how to cook (this has nothing to do with seeing the movie) and I've made some really yummy things, not from a cook book! This past Sunday was Turkey Meatballs with homemade tomato/eggplant/squash sauce on pasta. I'm calling it JustMash (the "a" in mash sounds like "aww"), in my family we have something called MishMash and this is my healthier spin on the whole thing. If you need the recipe just ask.
I'm sure there are many out there now trying to blog themselves into a successful career but I just need to be focused, and hopefully this is the start on the right path to find it.
--the dog walker
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Top Dog/Cat Names of 2008 (in case you were wondering)
American Dog Names:
1. Buddy
2. Max
3. Daisy
4. Jack
I guess people mostly buy boy pups, poor little girls. I'll take a girl dog please. little me fact; I even used to have a dog name daisy and one named daisy 2!
American Cat Names:
Sounds like people buy girls cats and boy dogs?? well I must be a weirdo cause I have the boy cat (Chandler Bing) I'm just waiting for my girl dog ;);) Also kitten?? well that's clever...NOT!
Most Popular Dog & Cat Name in Brittan:
1. Molly
What is up with the name Molly??? Good Golly?
Most Popular Dog Names:
1. Romeo & Juliet Tied
That's just too cute for words and I have to say I've never meet a romeo and juliet together :)
Well I hope you enjoyed this little tidbit of info to help your maybe boring day along.
1. Buddy
2. Max
3. Daisy
4. Jack
I guess people mostly buy boy pups, poor little girls. I'll take a girl dog please. little me fact; I even used to have a dog name daisy and one named daisy 2!
American Cat Names:
Sounds like people buy girls cats and boy dogs?? well I must be a weirdo cause I have the boy cat (Chandler Bing) I'm just waiting for my girl dog ;);) Also kitten?? well that's clever...NOT!
Most Popular Dog & Cat Name in Brittan:
1. Molly
What is up with the name Molly??? Good Golly?
Most Popular Dog Names:
1. Romeo & Juliet Tied
That's just too cute for words and I have to say I've never meet a romeo and juliet together :)
Well I hope you enjoyed this little tidbit of info to help your maybe boring day along.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Napoleon Flees the Lower East Side...not France

My poor little napoleon was terrified for a bit today...he ran down the street like someone was chasing him or a big dog was on its way. I looked around but couldn't figure it out. Then i saw it coming our way a dah dah daaaaah! The culpret was a black plastic bag. He was terrified! So we turned the corner. Aha we escaped...not so fast, it turned the corner with us??!!! well it finally settled it self so we could escape with our lives intact.

In case you see this Black Plastic Bag call the Bag Patrol and save the next little Black Dog from this meany on the streets of New York, he shouldn't be allowed to blow free.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
yorkie and bird
while i was walking barack and lola this morning i saw a man walking a yorkie and holding a Cockatoo...i've seen just one or the other before but together was a first :) happy saturday.
Friday, July 10, 2009
only in new york
Its really not that hot today but a man wearing a mans bikini walked by me in soho on my way to napoleon.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
UPDATE!!!!!!! took a walk with barack and lola and who did we spy? Ed Westwick coming out of his trailer view pic BELOW...funny enough jessica szhor (his girlfriend in real life) came out right after with another cast member who i don't know his name and he said "well that was a good distraction" pet lola and went into the other trailer as nobody really noticed jessica after ed walked by. also it seems they are filming near the store kid robot so if you watch next season be on the lookout.
Whats all the "Gossip Girl" about? soho edition
(Photos and video to be posted after) I am currently "doggy" sitting in soho (south of houston) for all you non new yorkers, its an area of manhattan. Anywho I was heading to walk my uptown dogs when I spotted a bunch of trailers lined up across the street and a huge crowd of tweens and young ladys ( a few gays as well). They were all standing outside cameras ready egarly awaiting whoever was to come out of the trailers. Well I knew robert pattinson is in new york filming so what could it hurt to catch a glimpse of the brit. Well it wasn't for robert sadly, all the crowds were for half the cast of Gossip Girl. I decided to wait why not? Its a good bit to start my blog again I thought. As I waited a middle aged woman approached me and asked who I was waiting to see? I told her, she said "ok" and went on her way. But apparently she didn't understand what I said and she cmae back to ask me if it was all for hannah montana? well that made me laugh there is no way in hell I would have stayed there to see miley "kiss my booty" cyrus ( its a family name ).
First to come out of her make up trailer and then right into her dressing trailer was blake lively she kept her face hidden so no pictures, then jessica szchor a paperazzi told her "hot shorts" she said "thanks". Then I decided to capture the exreme moment of intensity that these fans all seemed to have for seeing all the cast members, so I took a video of leighton meister exiting her trailer. Finally in a friendly ( yet probably phsyco fan) moment a young girl called out to penn badgely "can you take a picture with me penn?". He politely said " sorry I can't I'm on my way to get my make-up touched up". Oh classic hollywood types make-up before mayhem. After that enough of this fanfare, time to visit shea and ranger so we could enjoy this most perfect 70 and sunny weather that nyc decided to bless us with (finally and its about time) today! :)
--signed yours truly gossip jesi
First to come out of her make up trailer and then right into her dressing trailer was blake lively she kept her face hidden so no pictures, then jessica szchor a paperazzi told her "hot shorts" she said "thanks". Then I decided to capture the exreme moment of intensity that these fans all seemed to have for seeing all the cast members, so I took a video of leighton meister exiting her trailer. Finally in a friendly ( yet probably phsyco fan) moment a young girl called out to penn badgely "can you take a picture with me penn?". He politely said " sorry I can't I'm on my way to get my make-up touched up". Oh classic hollywood types make-up before mayhem. After that enough of this fanfare, time to visit shea and ranger so we could enjoy this most perfect 70 and sunny weather that nyc decided to bless us with (finally and its about time) today! :)
--signed yours truly gossip jesi
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Stars on the Street not in the Skies
click on the names if you don't know who they are, it will explain...

I just wanted to make a list since of people I have run into during my dog walking days from the past 2 weeks.
--Jerry O'Connell (Actor, Stand by Me) on the 1 train, he left at 18th St
--Zac Posen (Clothing Designer) 2 times, he has a toy poodle who tried to jump at Legs :( 69th St and Columbus then 70th St and Broadway ( he must live in my neighborhood)
--Romany Malco (Actor, Weeds, 40 Year Old Virgin) heading to the upstairs of the Lower East Side Whole Foods Market
--Lauren Graham(Actress, Gilmore Girls, Bad Santa) she was headed to SoHo near Allen St. I was with Napoleon and he tried to jump up to greet her, though he was denied :(
--Liev Schreiberr and Son (Actor, Scream, Wolverine) in SoHo at Houston St., now this is a weird one as 5 minutes before running into him, I though I saw him but was of course wrong, until I did see him with his yound son in tow on his shoulders (very adorable)
--John Noble(Actor, Fringe) He was on the Elevator today with me on the Lower East Side, for those of you who don't watch Fringe its a must, I highly recommend this show!
So that is an eclectic list! Now that I'm on a role with this blog thing I'll add interesting stories with these names but I just got too backed up to write anything cool at the moment.
On a completely dog related note the above pick is of Bentley (Boston Terrier) he is a client of mine and he did star in the Club Monaco adds this past holiday season. The picture is one I took of a store window in SoHo (<--that means...South of Houston) he is my own personal celebrity ;)
Monday, May 4, 2009
"The Real Dogwives of New York City"

Napoleon told me a secret the other day, he was a little ashamed at first but he has a passion that can't denied. That passions name is "Ginger". She is the cute/little/spunky dog of Jill Zarin of the bravo hit "The Real Housewives of New York City". He has been watching the show secretly for months while mommy is out of the room just to get a glimpse of this Hot little Chihuahua Ginger on T.V. I told Naps that his secret was safe with me and that if he wanted to I could take him by for a visit to Zarin Fabrics which was only a few blocks from where he lives on the Lower East Side. He had no idea that they were that close (hes a dog and really doesn't know what street names mean) and was so excited he almost peed his pants (well he would have if he had any pants) but he waited till we were safely outside (to pee that is). We strolled down to the store on Allen St and we walked by the front door a couple of times, but Napoleon chickened out, he just wasn't ready to meet the Chihuahua of his dreams. Maybe he will be next time and we'll walk through the doors and it will be like an old "Doggywood" movie, as they run to each other and sniff behinds. :) Alas until next time Naps...It'll be just you and your monkey.

(Ann)e Hathaways and (Ann)iversaries

On a sort of dog walking note...Let me take you back first to a couple years ago. I used to walk a couple of dogs (Dolce' the black Pomeranian and Phoebe the dachshund) in a certain celeb filled building in the West Village. I noticed that Anne Hathaway was a
resident of that building but never had a reason to say hi, until one day... It was 2 days before "Broke Back Mountain" came out and I
had just seen a behind the scenes special on VH1. We just happened to be riding the elevator together and I basically couldn't help myself and I said "I'm so excited about your movie coming out!" and she said "I know me too" so yadah yadah yadah we had a moment. She then told me her apartment number and asked if I wanted to leave a message about what I thought of the movie at her door. It was just a crazy New York story that I often think about. I've never run into her since but I always wonder if she would remember our exchange on the elevator?
This past Saturday My boyfriend and I celebrated our 1 year anniversary at the "Union Square Cafe". I had never been there before and I definitely hope to go there again. We were seated at a great table upstairs with about 5 other tables on the floor. I happened to notice that Anne was seated two tables over with her mother, father and brother. Here's my chance I thought! But I quickly realized that would just put me in stalker territory so instead I thought I should at least get a picture for my Blog "wink wink" . ( and the lady at the table next to us asked for an autograph and annoyed her family, so my opportunity was shot) Sadly my camera phone has been on the fritz lately :( so I told my boyfriend to take the picture on his phone as he had one and a better view. (mind you he thinks I should always take pictures of the celebrities I see, even though I tell him how hard it is to do without looking like a crazy celeb stalker) Below is his best attempt at the task...and now he knows how hard it is to do what I try to do all the time but mostly am unable. :)
I missed my chance to reminisce with Anne but someday we will and I'll have another great New York or perhaps Los Angeles story to tell. ( And yes that is her AssK me no more questions and tell me no more lies)

<-------------he used to be so wittle!
Sunday, May 3, 2009
6 degrees of Kevin Bacon...stop following me :)
First of all I would like to apologize for this blog taking 2 weeks to come back to life, i had a cold and my brain was not functioning to its full creative potential. All better now and ready to be clever (ps it wasn't the swine flu more like a cow cold) Anywaz back to the point of this here blog...
It all started about a year ago, My bestie (you remember this term from a couple of blogs back) was visiting and she was training for a marathon, so in support of something i personally could never do i told my bestie that I'd jog in central park with her. While out on this jog we were coming around a corner when all of a sudden out of no where Kevin Bacon (Footloose, Bacon Brothers, Picture Perfect a personal fav of mine) jumped right out in front of us. He scared the besjesus out of us and then continued on his way across the park. I mean what kind of world is it when you can be attacked in central park by a Kevin Bacon like that with out any warning? I mean REALLY? (thank-you SNL weekend update) Well we took it in stride and for the next couple of months it was all about waiting for Kevin's next attempt to catch us off guard.
Fast forward to about a month ago (present day) I was walking up 5th ave with my trusty Barack (the black lab not the other guy) and who do i see coming straight for me? No not Oprah...Kevin Bacon, Again just out of no where, I didn't have any cash on me so he just walked on by looking for his next victim
perhaps. I was walking down that street first he just had no right, and then all of a sudden he was gone. Well I decided I'm not going to be a victim of the Kevin Bacons of the world next time I would be ready...if there was a next time, maybe he'd had enough of me?
Let's go to Friday May 1st 2009 also known as MayDay! I had a short schedule and a hurt foot but Napoleon was waiting for me to arrive downtown. I boarded the B train at the 59th St Subway after switching from the 1 train. I only take the B so i can then transfer to the F or V trains, Naps is quite a ways away from the Upper West Side of Manhattan (sorry for the sidetrack) back to the point. Someone decided to pull the emergency brake and we stalled at the 7th Ave Station, I thought I might wait the stall out as I was in no hurry. While I waited that man found me again! Kevin Bacon boarded my train, but this time I was ready and if you see this man beware he may follow you around New York City and you better be extra careful, because he just doesn't understand some of us (mainly me) just don't like BACON. (I haven't touched the stuff since i was 10)
It all started about a year ago, My bestie (you remember this term from a couple of blogs back) was visiting and she was training for a marathon, so in support of something i personally could never do i told my bestie that I'd jog in central park with her. While out on this jog we were coming around a corner when all of a sudden out of no where Kevin Bacon (Footloose, Bacon Brothers, Picture Perfect a personal fav of mine) jumped right out in front of us. He scared the besjesus out of us and then continued on his way across the park. I mean what kind of world is it when you can be attacked in central park by a Kevin Bacon like that with out any warning? I mean REALLY? (thank-you SNL weekend update) Well we took it in stride and for the next couple of months it was all about waiting for Kevin's next attempt to catch us off guard.
Fast forward to about a month ago (present day) I was walking up 5th ave with my trusty Barack (the black lab not the other guy) and who do i see coming straight for me? No not Oprah...Kevin Bacon, Again just out of no where, I didn't have any cash on me so he just walked on by looking for his next victim

Let's go to Friday May 1st 2009 also known as MayDay! I had a short schedule and a hurt foot but Napoleon was waiting for me to arrive downtown. I boarded the B train at the 59th St Subway after switching from the 1 train. I only take the B so i can then transfer to the F or V trains, Naps is quite a ways away from the Upper West Side of Manhattan (sorry for the sidetrack) back to the point. Someone decided to pull the emergency brake and we stalled at the 7th Ave Station, I thought I might wait the stall out as I was in no hurry. While I waited that man found me again! Kevin Bacon boarded my train, but this time I was ready and if you see this man beware he may follow you around New York City and you better be extra careful, because he just doesn't understand some of us (mainly me) just don't like BACON. (I haven't touched the stuff since i was 10)

Sunday, April 19, 2009
AhHa--Random Celebrity Sunday

Legs didn't seem to notice the star amongst our outdoor fun time maybe he was busy thinking about how he could

Saturday, April 18, 2009
2 tails wagging the best relationship ever
Shea & and Mr. Ranger (a pappion of Mr. status) are to me the perfect couple. They only see each other 1-3 times a week depending on the day's business and only for 30 minutes at a time. They respectfully greet each other with a sniff and a lick. While walking down the street they are
sure to respect each others distance and wishes to sniff other dogs behinds (just to introduce themselves of course). While at each others abodes they both make sure to keep things tidy by not making a mess. And sometimes Shea likes to mix things up by doing something unexpected like taking Ranger's ball but she is always sure to return it by the end of their time together. Ranger likes to mix things up by sneaking a taste of Shea's lunch though she doesn't seem to mind. Ahhh yes in a perfect world we could all be like Ranger & Shea, things would be so simple, they never growl or fight and have such great respect for each other. I think Ranger fell in love with her long legs and wavy hair, as Shea couldn't resist his charm and big ears (very will smith). And so this lovely couple spend their weekends apart only to wait until the chance they should meet up again, schedules allowing. Until then they will send "Barks" (which are like a text but sent over high frequency signals only dogs can hear) across Upper West Side streets and avenues.
Here's to 8 paws and 2 tails forever:)

Here's to 8 paws and 2 tails forever:)
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Day of the Golden Doodles!

So looking back on yesterday no stars were to be sighted outside of the heavens, but i did have a lovely run-in with more golden doodles than i can throw you with. (that didn't even make sense to me) Anywho I was out with Shea on the Upper West Side and i had some time to spare so we journeyed over to the riverside park dog run around West 86th Street. Shea the cutest Golden Doodle you ever did see, isn't usually one for having a blast with her fellow canine, she is more of a people dog if you will. It was just hard to resist the lure of the young 4 month old doodle by the name of Riley in the run. He seemed to know right off the bat, well after romping around with another puppy of the same age, that Shea was his future self. Riley's mom is thinking about a career in dog walking her self so i gave her a few pointers, as its been a 4 great years with Shea by my side. after a good 30 minutes or so it was time to move on to a place called home, but we had just enough time to meet a 2 year old Mini Golden Doodle (his name escapes me). Shea liked the looks of this one but he wasn't in the playful mood so Shea barked and he took off, poor Shea she tries so hard to impress the boys.
Forward to Today! It was the most beautiful day to be a Dog Walker! though the beautiful people (celebrities) did not come out to play. Its all well and good, i didn't need them anyway. While i was walking in the Lower East Side just about to get to my buddy Napoleon (who i didn't properly introduce the first time as the one and only bunny/monkey/napster toy poodle) and i saw what can only be described as a low rider pimped out bike, red with booming speakers on the back (the speakers were bigger than the bike mind you). And the guy riding the bike, well lets just say he was older than a child. Everyone could not help but stop and stare while the music blasted a familiar hip hop song, and i would have taken a picture but alas i was on

Also Penelope the pug (Peeps to the people who know and love her), and i enjoyed a lovely Hudson river stroll, who could resist on a day like today that we were privileged to enjoy.
I hear the temp will reach 70 tomorrow and i hope that brings more adventures to share and weirdness to prevail!
dog walker,
Lower East Side,
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
In the begining there was a dog and a walker

I was thinking the other day that all my adventures in the world of dog walking in New York City might be interesting to more people than just me. We seem to live in a world of "reality television". How about some "reality life"?
Yesterday I was walking from the Lower East Side (L.E.S.) to the West Village; I had just finished a visit with Napoleon (yes, he does have the complex). I was walking behind a typical L.E.S. couple — skinny, cool, dressed in leather :) and I thought to myself, "that guy looks really familiar", but at the same time wondering why the girl didn't seem to have a purse. Well, my questions were answered when we arrived in front of Whole Foods and a woman with a shopping cart called to the mystery man "Hey, how are you?" "Do you still talk to Madonna?" It's as if she wanted me to know why I thought this man was familiar, and yet at the same time this sentence made me realize it was Carlos Leon, a.k.a. Lourdes' father, a.k.a. ex-boyfriend of Madonna. Why do I know this stuff? Because, like you, I do read, and watch gossip in the world of celebrity and fame. I don't need to be famous, but it's nice to be near someone who is.
Farther down the block on my way to Squishy the pug (and she is very squishy) around Houston Street and West Broadway I then spotted Agnes Deyn, the British supermodel, a common spotting for me as she lives in that area. If she didn't want me to see her then why dye her hair platinum blond and be so stick thin & tall? Not that there is anything wrong with either of the two but you tend to stand out when you are in that 2% of the total population.
Finally, I made it to the six-floor walk up to pick up Squishy and we had a lovely romp in the park just before the dark skies released the unwanted rain. She always makes a splash at the run, even that day with the two other dogs who dared to show up.
Until the next time I should run into the random celeb and a familiar dog :)
agnes deyn,
carlos leon,
dog walker,
new york,
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