So looking back on yesterday no stars were to be sighted outside of the heavens, but i did have a lovely run-in with more golden doodles than i can throw you with. (that didn't even make sense to me) Anywho I was out with Shea on the Upper West Side and i had some time to spare so we journeyed over to the riverside park dog run around West 86th Street. Shea the cutest Golden Doodle you ever did see, isn't usually one for having a blast with her fellow canine, she is more of a people dog if you will. It was just hard to resist the lure of the young 4 month old doodle by the name of Riley in the run. He seemed to know right off the bat, well after romping around with another puppy of the same age, that Shea was his future self. Riley's mom is thinking about a career in dog walking her self so i gave her a few pointers, as its been a 4 great years with Shea by my side. after a good 30 minutes or so it was time to move on to a place called home, but we had just enough time to meet a 2 year old Mini Golden Doodle (his name escapes me). Shea liked the looks of this one but he wasn't in the playful mood so Shea barked and he took off, poor Shea she tries so hard to impress the boys.
Forward to Today! It was the most beautiful day to be a Dog Walker! though the beautiful people (celebrities) did not come out to play. Its all well and good, i didn't need them anyway. While i was walking in the Lower East Side just about to get to my buddy Napoleon (who i didn't properly introduce the first time as the one and only bunny/monkey/napster toy poodle) and i saw what can only be described as a low rider pimped out bike, red with booming speakers on the back (the speakers were bigger than the bike mind you). And the guy riding the bike, well lets just say he was older than a child. Everyone could not help but stop and stare while the music blasted a familiar hip hop song, and i would have taken a picture but alas i was on

Also Penelope the pug (Peeps to the people who know and love her), and i enjoyed a lovely Hudson river stroll, who could resist on a day like today that we were privileged to enjoy.
I hear the temp will reach 70 tomorrow and i hope that brings more adventures to share and weirdness to prevail!
I have to tell my dad to put the bike to rest. He is so embarassing. ugh!