click on the names if you don't know who they are, it will explain...

I just wanted to make a list since of people I have run into during my dog walking days from the past 2 weeks.
--Jerry O'Connell (Actor, Stand by Me) on the 1 train, he left at 18th St
--Zac Posen (Clothing Designer) 2 times, he has a toy poodle who tried to jump at Legs :( 69th St and Columbus then 70th St and Broadway ( he must live in my neighborhood)
--Romany Malco (Actor, Weeds, 40 Year Old Virgin) heading to the upstairs of the Lower East Side Whole Foods Market
--Lauren Graham(Actress, Gilmore Girls, Bad Santa) she was headed to SoHo near Allen St. I was with Napoleon and he tried to jump up to greet her, though he was denied :(
--Liev Schreiberr and Son (Actor, Scream, Wolverine) in SoHo at Houston St., now this is a weird one as 5 minutes before running into him, I though I saw him but was of course wrong, until I did see him with his yound son in tow on his shoulders (very adorable)
--John Noble(Actor, Fringe) He was on the Elevator today with me on the Lower East Side, for those of you who don't watch Fringe its a must, I highly recommend this show!
So that is an eclectic list! Now that I'm on a role with this blog thing I'll add interesting stories with these names but I just got too backed up to write anything cool at the moment.
Why would Lauren Graham deny Napoleon?! He's so cute! Is she a dog hater?