I feel like this Friday was one of the longest in my life! Not Really :) but you get the drift. I started out at 11am and just arrived home at 8:50pm lucky me. My life is just so glamorous, and yet dripping in hurricane Bill. I had a great time with all of my little doggie friends, oh and Fiona my only cat friend of the day of course ;).
The Debbie Downer for me was that they are raising my rent for my cubby hole a lovely 60.00 a month :( Why New York WHY??? I love my neighborhood, managed to get everything in my apartment upgraded and fixed minus paint. And I don't want to leave Manhattan but on my budget would have to to find a safe and comfy place. I used to have a diamond in the rough finding this place but now its just as expensive as anywhere else I could to live sans roommate.
Does anyone need a live in Dog-Caretaker? They have live in nannies and dogs will treat you ten times better than any misunderstood teen-angst-anger would! Am I right or am I right? Well just putting the word out, or maybe someone knows of the next diamond in the rough out there in lovely Manhattan for me to find? Though when I think of someone else living in my apartment I cringe, it's mine not theirs :(:(
Well any who I'm starting to sound like my own teen-angst-anger. George & Doris I'm so sorry our brief love-affair this weekend was cut short, until I house-sit you again my schnauzers. Happy Hurricane Bill weekend to all and I'm serious about the live in Dog-Caretaker, though Chandler has to be able to come with me, and the bonus is he already thinks he IS a dog!
--the dog walker
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