Napoleon told me a secret the other day, he was a little ashamed at first but he has a passion that can't denied. That passions name is "Ginger". She is the cute/little/spunky dog of Jill Zarin of the bravo hit "The Real Housewives of New York City". He has been watching the show secretly for months while mommy is out of the room just to get a glimpse of this Hot little Chihuahua Ginger on T.V. I told Naps that his secret was safe with me and that if he wanted to I could take him by for a visit to Zarin Fabrics which was only a few blocks from where he lives on the Lower East Side. He had no idea that they were that close (hes a dog and really doesn't know what street names mean) and was so excited he almost peed his pants (well he would have if he had any pants) but he waited till we were safely outside (to pee that is). We strolled down to the store on Allen St and we walked by the front door a couple of times, but Napoleon chickened out, he just wasn't ready to meet the Chihuahua of his dreams. Maybe he will be next time and we'll walk through the doors and it will be like an old "Doggywood" movie, as they run to each other and sniff behinds. :) Alas until next time Naps...It'll be just you and your monkey.

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