It's the first of the month and it's time to pay the Rent, Baby. I'm off to a "Ruff" start, but I'll find my groove in a second.
Okay enough with the "bad" jokes and on to a very serious issue...the Oscars were this past Sunday and yada yada yada, Natalie Portman, yada Christian Bale, yada yada Colin Firth, Melissa "f'ing" Leo, all WON, but more importantly was what was being WORN!
My Best dressed pick for Oscar night came with a few arguments, of those of you who just don't understand the magnitude of what Cate Blanchett

My runners up included, Mila Kunis, Gwyenth Paltrow, and Natalie Portman. They all land in the world of safer choices, but still are sights to behold.

I SEE a trend a brewing and it's called PURPLE, so unless you are color blind or living under a rock, answer the phone call people and run out to buy the hottest color of the season. The important thing to note is that this trend comes in many shades and can flatter all different types of skin tones, or personalities. Whether you are a the Vibrant life of the party kind or Wall flower who hasn't found her center stage yet, purple will find a way to "make it work" on you. (thank-you Mr. Gunn)
On another completely different unfashionable note, Jackson, the boxer who I walk daily fell ill today. He either has an infection or kidney stones, but his prospects look promising. He needed a day at the vets office but hopefully will be into the land of full recovery with some antibiotics and some dog walking love from me tomorrow. Fingers crossed and prayers for my Jax if you've got 'em.

-the dog walker
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