Meow Kitties! If you can't tell already this weeks obsession is STRIPES! They are a classic option for tops and dresses, but I'm looking to really explore them in unusual ways. The classic nautical style of navy blue and white really appeals to my thing for sailors, I am a gay kitty after all. But I want you all to take the "been there done that" out of how you think, try Tye-dye, lace or even angled stripes. Most people will tell you that they don't flatter most kittyliscious kurves. Well don't listen to them! Just make sure the stripes are always in a larger size, small stripes will trick the eye into an optical illusion of largeness. Having the pattern included on an accessory is also a purrfect way to have your stripes, and wear them too, without worrying if they flatter. Bold colors are in this session so think bold stripes of colors. I've included some Meowarvolus examples of some of my favorite kitty finds in NYC. The clothes are from Urban Outfitters, and the purse is my dream brand "Purrberry", or Burberry for all you non-kitty folks. I even was able to get Bailey to pose with the Tye-dye example, he's worried they'll make him look bloated. I reassured him I'd find the purrrfect stripe for him.
--Mr. Bing

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