Sunday, June 26, 2011

Now everyone can marry in NYC even my Cat :)

Chandler is very happy that it was not only Gay Pride week, and the Parade today in NYC. But also that he can now marry his kitty boy toy Aiden. He wants everyone to know that he is sorry that he couldn't attend the Parade in the Village today, but unfortunately he didn't have a ride and he afraid of Bears. I tried to explain to him that they are type of man not an actual BEAR. He just didn't understand. :)
--the dogwalker

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Spotted Matthew Broderick waking with his bike to park at a bike rack on varick and king.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Shorty felt his fashionista come out this weekend...maybe chandler has been sharing his thoughts

Shorty helped me go shopping at H&M yesterday, and he couldn't resist they had something in his size...
Then today he felt like the king of the UpperWestSide, so he decided to borrow a little something from Chandler's wardrobe...
Well his name is Shorty King...So I let him have the UWS, today anyway. (no joke his last name is King)

--the dog walker

Thursday, June 2, 2011

A not so short day with Shorty! part 4

We concluded our "not so short" adventure in Washington Square Park with Shorty's girl Squishy. They took a brief break from their relationship a while ago, but came back from it stronger than ever!

6. I call this photo "patience" cause it was last one of a million that I took! Shorty finally looked face forward and I got the shot.

7. Squishy longingly admiring her love of loves Shorty...

--the dog walker

A not so short day with Shorty! part 3

4. Shorty & Mr. Ranger, brothas from another motha....and fatha

Doppelganger time!, which Shea may have snuck into...
5. Shea, Shorty, Mr. Ranger take a rug break...

A not so short day with Shorty! part 2

Next it was time for some bark'n' and park time...3. Shorty and Bailey took in some shade. Bai was feeling a little camera shy so he laid down in the dark.

A not so short day with Shorty! part 1

1. Badu, Shorty and Jackson, get ready for a lovely stroll...

The weather finally let up today so it was a good day for shorty to visit with all my pup friends, and boy did everydog have a great time. Chandler wishes he could tour the city in style like shorty can...2. A very important meeting, I was not included in the private discussion.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

June 1st not 2nd!

It's still before midnight on the west coast, my birth state so this still counts. I took a bit of a blog break and now at the unofficial beginning of summer I am back to the daily grind of it. I still have been posting all of my big celebrity sightings, just so I can look back at the end of the year and see just how many there were.

June 1st-- Happy Birthday to Marilyn Monroe! She may not be celebrating them anymore, But I always like to give a little shout out to my favorite star of all time. She would have been 85 years young today. And in honor of one of the most beautiful women of all time, here is a beautiful new couple Badu and Shorty. (Don't get jealous Jackson)Stay tuned ahead more Dogs, Cats and Fashion!!!!

--the dog walker

Friday, May 27, 2011

Spotted on 83 rd and Columbus 10 mins ago walking south with his wife and kid. Matt Damon. While walking Shea :-)

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Spotted on 67th and Columbus Regis philben leaving Reebok gym

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Spotted Liev Schreiber entering Washington square park.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Spotted: leaving central park on the west side at 69th St. Liam Neeson

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Spotted on 68th and Columbus. Just now. Both Wayne's brothers Marlen and Shawn

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Spotted in Washington square park. Austin Scarlett of Project Runway season 1.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Fee Fi Fo Fum, I smell a Celebrity!

Spotted: and literally ran into on west 72nd and Broadway, Peter Scolari of bosom buddies fame he wasn't Tom hanks. He was the other Guy. :-)

Monday, April 25, 2011

Fee Fi Fo Fum, I smell a Celebrity!

Spotted : walking on Broadway and 83rd st Dana Ivey of The Adams family movie

Fee Fi Fo Fum, I smell a Celebrity!

Spotted : walking on Broadway and 71st. Michael McKean of "Clue" aka Mr green. And his wife Annette O'Toole currently seen on "Smallville" as Martha Kent.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Fee Fi Fo Fum, I smell a Celebrity!

Spotted : Oliver Platt riding a motorized bicycle on East Houston and Essex the wind almost blew him away, LOL.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Fee Fi Fo Fum, I smell a Celebrity!

Spotted: Michael Moore in the elevator, it opened to let someone off and I was waiting till one was going down, not up. Nice to see my friend again in his building. ;)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Fee Fi Fo Fum, I smell a Celebrity!

Spotted on west 4th and 6th Ave in the west village Julie Hagerty known as the stewardess from the movie " airplane"

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Friday, April 8, 2011

Fee Fi Fo Fum, I smell a Celebrity!

(in the middle of the photo you can see the brand "crisp" for their jeans in the show and by the logo is the star Bryan Greenburg)
Spotted. On orchard and east Houston. Entire cast of how to make it in America on HBO. Kid Cudieven stopped to take a picture with a fan so sweet. Also spotted at the shoot Eddie Kaye Thomas.

---the dog walker

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

How much is that PUPPY in the window? or should I say dress?

While making my way through Soho today I noticed something a little different...I'm a big window shopper in my own right. If I notice something eye catching in the window then you might just get me to walk into the store to check out more. I guess times are tough out there, and gimmicks are now needed to get that coveted buyer into the store.
PUPPIES! The only problem was the little cuties weren't even looking at the people on the street, just the handlers inside and the treats behind the mannequins legs blocking their cute puppy faces...Nice try store I never shop in. I was not fooled, the puppies were cute, but maybe chandler should try to spokeskitty for them next time, or at least get the puppies to look at the passersby so I don't just share a picture of their awfully cute little tushes.

--the dog walker

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Fee Fi Fo Fum, I smell a Celebrity!

Spotted: Parker Posey at the Washington Square Park dog run with a male friend, and her little white poodle Gracie. Also while there a fan tried to sneak a cell phone picture of her. She yelled out to the guy "Are you trying to take a picture of me?", I guess she's not a fan of fans. :( It was funny to see the guy back puddle through, it had just rained after all.

--the dog walker

Monday, April 4, 2011

Squishy...aka Squish the pug Supermodel


--the dog walker

George... aka Georgie

Doris...aka Dori

Parker..aka Itty Bitty

Napoleon...aka Naps

Shea...aka Shea Shea

Mr. Ranger...aka Ranger Pants

Bailey...aka Bai Bai

Badu...aka Badu-du

Jackson...aka Jax

Dog Days AREN'T Over..

I was on a bit of a hiatus, a spring break if you I'd like to share something I've been working on during my "break". I'm going to post all the dogs I've had the pleasure of taking care of this year, with their personality portraits....Enjoy.

--the dog walker

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Fee Fi Fo Fum, I smell a Celebrity!

Spotted: crossing at 86th and Broadway, Upperwest side. Captain Donald Cragen on Law and Order SVU Dann florek

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Fee Fi Fo Fum, I smell a Celebrity!

Spotted : on west 72nd St at the juice generation. SNL's Fred Armisen.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Fee Fi Fo Fum, I smell a Celebrity!

Spotted : SNL's Jason Sudeikis. At bleecker St and 7th avenue. Entering his apartment. I guess I'm his stalker now ;)

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Goodbye to the girl with the "Violet Eyes"

--the dog walker


One New York cupcake I can't try :(

--the dog walker

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Fee Fi Fo Fum, I smell a Celebrity!

Spotted:On West 83 rd St and Broadway. My good friend Michael Moore Is back :-)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Fee Fi Fo Fum, I smell a Celebrity!

Spotted in central park Sandra bullock. Filming "Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close"
She was in this trailer, but when she came out the paparazzi blocked my ability to get a good picture, sorry :(

--the dog walker

Fee Fi Fo Fum, I smell a Celebrity!

Spotted : Michael Imperioli from the Sopranos. On 69th and Columbus.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Being Badu

I happen to be babysitting Badu the Shitzu tonight. So I thought I might share with everyone some of the many faces of Badu.

--the dog walker

COW's chew grass ;)

Meow Kitties! If you can't tell already this weeks obsession is STRIPES! They are a classic option for tops and dresses, but I'm looking to really explore them in unusual ways. The classic nautical style of navy blue and white really appeals to my thing for sailors, I am a gay kitty after all. But I want you all to take the "been there done that" out of how you think, try Tye-dye, lace or even angled stripes. Most people will tell you that they don't flatter most kittyliscious kurves. Well don't listen to them! Just make sure the stripes are always in a larger size, small stripes will trick the eye into an optical illusion of largeness. Having the pattern included on an accessory is also a purrfect way to have your stripes, and wear them too, without worrying if they flatter. Bold colors are in this session so think bold stripes of colors. I've included some Meowarvolus examples of some of my favorite kitty finds in NYC. The clothes are from Urban Outfitters, and the purse is my dream brand "Purrberry", or Burberry for all you non-kitty folks. I even was able to get Bailey to pose with the Tye-dye example, he's worried they'll make him look bloated. I reassured him I'd find the purrrfect stripe for him.

--Mr. Bing

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Going down to Chinatown...

Had a bit of a Chinatown adventure today with AD...Tried some cake biscuits (10 for $1),
bean paste balls, and red bean drink...All very exciting. Of course for lunch I wasn't as adventurous as I was with my desert choices, shrimp fried rice ahah.

One also can't go to Chinatown NYC without some shopping! Anyone interested in a Gold Piggy necklace or possibly a spaceship filled with gold animal figurines???

--the dog walker

Friday, March 18, 2011

Fee Fi Fo Fum, I smell a Celebrity!

Spotted: Tina Fey on 82nd St and Central Park West. Filming "30 rock. " pictures to follow...

--the dog walker

Fee Fi Fo Fum, I smell a Celebrity! Update

Figured out why I ran into Michael Buble' the other day...he's co-hosting on "Live" with Kelly Rippa :-) today.

--the dog walker

Thursday, March 17, 2011

I want this dog, even if he didn't talk ;)

My favorite mascot of the moment...Buster!

Spring Preview...

It's not actually spring yet...(just a couple more days), but we had a little taste of it today, and the dogs took advantage of the sunshine...

--the dog walker

Where did that beotch get that? (30 rock)

This is a week late but I was delayed on some TV viewing. This sweater can be found at H&M. :)

--the dog walker

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Where did that beotch get that? (Glee) UPDATE!!!

This dress is still currently in stores at Urban Outfitters. It also comes in a light jean color, and a mustard yellow with flowers, (you can see both in the picture). If you like the pattern but not the dress, it also is used on a scarf with a fun lace accent. Dress $59.00, Scarf $29.00

--the dog walker

Fee Fi Fo Fum, I smell a Celebrity!

Spotted : Singer Michael Buble' in Soho, on Spring street near Wooster. I must say not bad looking, he even made a little "check you out" eye contact.

Fee Fi Fo Fum, I smell a Celebrity!

Spotted : Stacey London host of TLC's "what not to wear" on Essex & Rivington. She was checking out how cute Napoleon is. :-)

Fee Fi Fo Fum, I smell a Celebrity!

Spotted,upper-west side @ Barney's Greengrass at 86th & Columbus. Tom hanks filming there new movie "extremely loud and incredibly close"

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Where did that beotch get that? (Glee)

On tonights episode of "Glee" Lea Michele gave us a 2 for! Her cardigan is from H&M for around $25.00, currently in stores.
Also her dress is from Urban Outfitters for around $60.00, this is also in stores now. Go forth and Shop people!

--the dog walker

Just had to share...

I obviously know way too much about celebrities, and pop culture! I finished this "Life & Style" crossword in 10 minutes while on the train today all by myself, No cheating! Just thought it was Neato! That's all.

--the dog walker

Monday, March 14, 2011

If there is a frock or shirt or shoes or whatever floats your boat??? Send me a picture to and ill do my darnedest to find it for you.

Where did that beotch get that? (T-mobile girl)

By a very special request, I was asked by a dear "double d" to find out where to get the dress that the new T-mobile spokes-girl wears...well bad news bears...all the dresses are designed by a woman named Debra LeClair a stylist for the ads. She is not currently producing the dresses for the masses, but who knows if we put the word out there she just might hear the demand. Fingers crossed.

--the dog walker
Mobile blogging started.


Look behind you it's Kosha Dillz!!!!

--the dog walker