Thursday, July 9, 2009

Whats all the "Gossip Girl" about? soho edition

(Photos and video to be posted after) I am currently "doggy" sitting in soho (south of houston) for all you non new yorkers, its an area of manhattan. Anywho I was heading to walk my uptown dogs when I spotted a bunch of trailers lined up across the street and a huge crowd of tweens and young ladys ( a few gays as well).  They were all standing outside cameras ready egarly awaiting whoever was to come out of the trailers. Well I knew robert pattinson is in new york filming so what could it hurt to catch a glimpse of the brit. Well it wasn't for robert sadly, all the crowds were for half the cast of Gossip Girl. I decided to wait why not? Its a good bit to start my blog again I thought. As I waited a middle aged woman approached me and asked who I was waiting to see?  I told her, she said "ok" and went on her way. But apparently she didn't understand what I said and she cmae back to ask me if it was all for hannah montana? well that made me laugh there is no way in hell I would have stayed there to see miley "kiss my booty" cyrus ( its a family name ).

First to come out of her make up trailer and then right into her dressing trailer was blake lively she kept her face hidden so no pictures, then jessica szchor a paperazzi told her "hot shorts" she said "thanks". Then I decided to capture the exreme moment of intensity that these fans all seemed to have for seeing all the cast members, so I took a video of leighton meister exiting her trailer. Finally in a friendly ( yet probably phsyco fan) moment a young girl called out to penn badgely "can you take a picture with me penn?". He politely said " sorry I can't I'm on my way to get my make-up touched up". Oh classic hollywood types make-up before mayhem. After that enough of this fanfare, time to visit shea and ranger so we could enjoy this most perfect 70 and sunny weather that nyc decided to bless us with (finally and its about time) today! :)

--signed yours truly gossip jesi

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