Thursday, June 7, 2012

Forever Doris Day

I lost another furry friend yesterday.  Doris has long been struggling with a disease that took its toll on her little body and a tough decision had to be made.  I've known Doris since she was a puppy, but she always had a puppy charm about her for the past 7 years. Even though she was born the runt and blind in one eye you would never know it.  Doris thrived every day like nothing was wrong.  A little shy at times, but always happy to greet an old or soon to be friend.  She was always happy to see me and everyone, as she was a true lover  and not a fighter.  When we used to go to the dog park, she would squeal  and bark with joy before we even got there and everyone would look at her wondering what was wrong ;), nothing but pure happiness.  Each night I stayed with the "kids" I would help them up into the bed and Doris would always try to steal my spot, then I would say "Doris not there", she was climb on top of the pillow next to mine and snuggle in for the night.   She also of course loved her big brother George, followed in his paw steps every day.  Now they get to be together once again.  Such a tragedy to loose any life and especially ones so young.  I still can't believe I'll never enjoy Doris's excitement to see me and pawing up my leg to get my attention.  She was a tough girl who fought hard to stay with us a few extra months and for that we are all very Lucky.  At least now she will not suffer any more and she is defiantly in Doggie Heaven.  WE all LOVE you Doris, Licks and Kisses to you and George. RIP my friend.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Memories of Georgie with Doris and Squishy

Goodbye Georgie

A huge loss in my animal family today. George a funny, loving, qwirky Miniature Schnauzer passed away suddenly from liver related cancer issues. It came on quick and we had no time to let it sink in. I've been taking care of George and his sister Doris for the past 7 years of my dog walking career and they were always my "kids" from another father.   George took some time to warm up with me and to everyone. He eventually was a big kisser, though he had started out as a shy guy. He was never a cuddling kind of guy, but he loved to tap my arm or hand so I would continue to pet him on his back and give him scratches under his chin.

This loss is so shocking, as his sister Doris has been sick for the past year and we knew our time time with her wouldn't be much longer.  Never for one minute thinking we might loose George. RIP my friend, we will love you forever.

-- the dogwalker :o(

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Happy Bieberday!

Happy 18th Birthday to my boy Bieber! Here is a rare photo of Justin out and about in New York celebrating with his buddy Clooney. They both know what it's like to be young, hot and popular with the "bitches".

--the dog walker

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Puppy tales

This past Saturday my brownstone family grew. Clooney Arndt came into out lives at 10 weeks and 18lbs. It was a tough labor for his daddy as you can imagine but well worth the pain and wait.

2 summers ago we lost a very special friend/dog named Maggie. She had a brief but loving stay in our UWS world.   Taken too soon, but sometimes we know that the most special of all the angles have the shortest stay for the biggest impact in our lives.

We welcome our new furry friend Clooney as he pays his respects for the one who's paws paved the way.

--the dog walker

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Monday, February 13, 2012

Doginistia Mr. Trend #3

In honor of last nights Grammy Awards, Mr wanted to share his Grammy look of 2012. It's a little punk meets a sparkle of whimsy. It's always important no matter what you're told is in fashion, that you're still able to create your own style.  Show yourself, and be like Mr Ranger. 

--the dog walker 

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Doginista Mr. Trend #2

Mister goes wild for animal print, and so does his little friend.  Animal print has always been a great fashion neutral for any season.

--the dog walker

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Mr. "Fashionista" Ranger trend #1

A big runway trend right now is hot, bright, almost glowing colors. Mister likes to stay at the top of his fashion week trends.
While the "people" version of this trend lends itself more to jeans, belts and accessories in these crazy vibrant colors. Mr. chose to show his vibrantly accessorized side today, and really who doesn't love a hot pink boa?  Off to the shows, he goes.

--the dog walker

Friday, February 10, 2012

2 pets take Manhattan fashion week 2012

Day 1 of 2012 Spring New York fashion week started yesterday. All the fashionistas were out at Lincoln center ready to get there senses overtaken by the colors, patterns, textures and the "it"shoes of the upcoming season! But 2 stood out from all the others, 1 bitch ready to take all the attention away, and a boy to make the stylish girls hearts melt. Spotted Badu and Mr. Ranger at Lincoln center.  Bitches let the Fashion begin...

--the dogwalker

Friday, January 27, 2012

The future dogwalkers lead the way

Just out doing my thing with Shea in my yellow rain boots....following the smallest dog walker I've ever seen. So sweet.

--the dog walker.

I'm back yo

And chandler thinks he's too good for it.