Sunday, June 26, 2011

Now everyone can marry in NYC even my Cat :)

Chandler is very happy that it was not only Gay Pride week, and the Parade today in NYC. But also that he can now marry his kitty boy toy Aiden. He wants everyone to know that he is sorry that he couldn't attend the Parade in the Village today, but unfortunately he didn't have a ride and he afraid of Bears. I tried to explain to him that they are type of man not an actual BEAR. He just didn't understand. :)
--the dogwalker

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Spotted Matthew Broderick waking with his bike to park at a bike rack on varick and king.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Shorty felt his fashionista come out this weekend...maybe chandler has been sharing his thoughts

Shorty helped me go shopping at H&M yesterday, and he couldn't resist they had something in his size...
Then today he felt like the king of the UpperWestSide, so he decided to borrow a little something from Chandler's wardrobe...
Well his name is Shorty King...So I let him have the UWS, today anyway. (no joke his last name is King)

--the dog walker

Thursday, June 2, 2011

A not so short day with Shorty! part 4

We concluded our "not so short" adventure in Washington Square Park with Shorty's girl Squishy. They took a brief break from their relationship a while ago, but came back from it stronger than ever!

6. I call this photo "patience" cause it was last one of a million that I took! Shorty finally looked face forward and I got the shot.

7. Squishy longingly admiring her love of loves Shorty...

--the dog walker

A not so short day with Shorty! part 3

4. Shorty & Mr. Ranger, brothas from another motha....and fatha

Doppelganger time!, which Shea may have snuck into...
5. Shea, Shorty, Mr. Ranger take a rug break...

A not so short day with Shorty! part 2

Next it was time for some bark'n' and park time...3. Shorty and Bailey took in some shade. Bai was feeling a little camera shy so he laid down in the dark.

A not so short day with Shorty! part 1

1. Badu, Shorty and Jackson, get ready for a lovely stroll...

The weather finally let up today so it was a good day for shorty to visit with all my pup friends, and boy did everydog have a great time. Chandler wishes he could tour the city in style like shorty can...2. A very important meeting, I was not included in the private discussion.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

June 1st not 2nd!

It's still before midnight on the west coast, my birth state so this still counts. I took a bit of a blog break and now at the unofficial beginning of summer I am back to the daily grind of it. I still have been posting all of my big celebrity sightings, just so I can look back at the end of the year and see just how many there were.

June 1st-- Happy Birthday to Marilyn Monroe! She may not be celebrating them anymore, But I always like to give a little shout out to my favorite star of all time. She would have been 85 years young today. And in honor of one of the most beautiful women of all time, here is a beautiful new couple Badu and Shorty. (Don't get jealous Jackson)Stay tuned ahead more Dogs, Cats and Fashion!!!!

--the dog walker